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Finding something to celebrate, appreciate and be thankful for every...single... day !

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fan Mail Q&A Time!

Someone (who may or may not be me) recently told me that my original blog entries from several years ago were too long, look like they are trying too hard to be humorous and feel like the ramblings of  a lonely lunatic begging for attention. Excellent! - this is exactly what I was aiming for and am so glad  all the subtle nuance has come across in the finished pieces.

However, I am going to try to at least make them shorter, and/or in some way informative so it is more palatable for those with an intolerance for all the  "love me, love me...pleeease...I'll make you laugh....look at me...I am wearing a funny little hat and doing a silly dance!!" sort of thing - As well as the odd few who have no interest in my socks.

I'll start by addressing some of the many many questions I receive in the thousands of fan mail letters that arrive daily (that may or may not be from my mom).

Today's question:

Q. Hey Jenny, you are so sweet, kind, funny, and talented. I also really admire your amazing ability to replace empty cardboard tubes with full rolls of toilet paper! Also, I love your new blog! I was just wondering where can I buy some of your awesome creations?

A. Wow! Thanks! You are too kind. It took years of practice to develop my empty toilet paper roll changing skills - stay with it and you can master it one day too! If you are craving some genuine Jenny creations, please check the links on the right. I have links to my Fine Art America Gallery for prints of my paintings, as well as my sculpting website (under construction again) and brand new Zazzle Shop, as well as all the places you can follow, friend, plus, pin, like,add, and/or stalk me.

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