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Finding something to celebrate, appreciate and be thankful for every...single... day !

Friday, December 23, 2011

My 100th Blog Entry!!Yaayy me!!

Don't be fooled by my clever trickery. This is actually my first blog  - Circa 2006. Enjoy this trip down memory lane and enjoy the painfully dated pop-culture references. Ahh the beauty of a timeless classic.

December 31, 2006
My 100th Blog Entry!!Yaayy me!!

Yeah, actually it's not. This is really my first blog, but I just can't handle the pressure of "the first," because I am assuming that as a first it has to be a magical moment that you and I will remember for the rest of our lives. Who can really live up to that kind of pressure in a blog? So here we are safely at blog number 100 and by now you and I already know each other in that comfortable familiar way, but we still have that magical excitement that keeps us both coming back for more. I still have lots of stories to tell you that I haven't told you a million times already. You'll be back - you cant help yourself.

Either that, or its me writing all these blogs, but you never show up, and the blogs get all dressed up and wait by the phone that never rings, and eventually they give up and eat ice cream straight from the container with a giant spoon.

Inevitably by blog 200 we will both be looking at other blogs longingly and remembering what our very first blog felt like and wondering if the magic is gone as we ponder whether or not we are both too old or too fat to explore other blogs.

But for now we are in the contented happy bliss of the 100th blog. It's pixel perfection, don't you think?

Okay, enough frivolity - on to the serious bloggy issues.

As someone who has read several celebrity blogs, I have noticed a common question asked of blog writers -- and it is probably on your mind right now. That question is, "Is this really you? Do you really run your own Myspace?"

I can assure you that no, it's really not me. I have an entire staff of writers and personal assistants that run my Myspace page and update my blogs for me. I am not writing this blog that you are reading. I am probably off somewhere doing something extremely important, in the area of quantum physics - putting the finishing touches on my explanation of the space/time continuum and explaining in full detail exactly how I discovered the secrets of time travel and the ability to hop in and out of parallel realities and dimensions. Or I might be washing the dishes - I do a lot of that too.

Okay, I should end this now. I don't want to reveal too much and have nothing left to write about in my next superfantasticterrificamazing blog entry.

Before I go, I just wanted to mention that one of the things that I find fascinating about all of this blog stuff is that once upon a time, back in the olden days, people wrote in this thing called a diary. It was many sheets of paper stacked and bound together in a thing we called a book. Inside, people would regularly write their thoughts and feelings. This book often had a lock, to prevent others from opening it and stealing a peek at ones inner-most thoughts and feelings.

I don't know what it means that people are now so starved for feedback and validation from others that they feel the need to offer up peeks of their diaries, in the form of a blog, in exchange for a little bit of positive feedback. Maybe it is the same reason that Britney Spears and Paris Hilton feel compelled to flash their girly parts all over town. The question I have to ask myself is, "Am I really that desperate? Am I that sad, lonely and in need of attention that I have decided to post the boring details of my lonely existence and share it with the world like a soft silent cry for help, despite the fact that nobody will even have any interest in reading it?"
And my answer : You Betcha!!

That being said, please remember to leave me lots and lots of comments and kudos. If you could also scratch behind my ear and in that special spot on my tummy that makes my leg kick uncontrollably, that would be great also. Plus as an added incentive, for every 2 "Kudos" points you give me, I will donate a point to a sad orphan blog writer.


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