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Finding something to celebrate, appreciate and be thankful for every...single... day !

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cheap Plastic Tablecloths into Lovely Festive Decor!

Using cheap plastic tablecloths in unconventional ways to make a bold decorative statement with color indoors or out!

They look so good in the package with their bright colors that will surely brighten up your party table, but then you unfold them and they are so thin you can see right through them, and they are covered with unsightly fold lines -- a party table nightmare!

But, there are some really great ways to use these table cloths to really make a bright bold party statement on a tight budget!

The following is not so much a tutorial as it is a few pictures of the process I used to make Halloween bows for the back of chairs.

The basic instructions are to just cut the table cloth to ribbons -- literally.

I found it quickest to unfold the table cloth only partially so I could cut several layers at once.

Then I notched out the ends for a decorative ribbon finish.

Then I tied the ribbons into bows or in this case, decorative faux bows. 

For the Halloween bows I tucked some orange raffia in the bows to give a bit of color so it wouldn't look too dreary even for Halloween.

This is basically just a way to make lots of cheap colorful bows to decorate for the holidays. I plan to use pink and red for Valentines Day,  green for St. Patty's day, and pastel colors for Easter. I used black and orange for Halloween and red for the 4th of July (shown below) and I plan to use red again at Christmas with lots of pine boughs!

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