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Finding something to celebrate, appreciate and be thankful for every...single... day !

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dunkin Donuts


Dunkin Donuts that look like Pumpkins.

It's like the universe designed a perfect mouse trap for me..

It turns out that the hospital where we are visiting our Evie every day is right next door to a Dunkin Donuts....

....and they have donuts that look like PUMPKINS! 

Oh Great Pumpkin! How could you do this to me?

Impossible to resist.

Stress and carbs -- both dancing an intoxicating Pasodoble' in my body. 

Sugar that goads and fuels the anxiety spikes like a matador's red cape -- then dropping off to the side suddenly so the bull has wasted it's energy charging at the empty cape, exhausting and subduing  the beast into a comfort-food induced nap. 

Carrie Ann, Len and Bruno would all rate the performance a perfect ten.

It's like tossing a marble on the roulette wheel of health...

But...look how pretty...
I want to go to there.

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