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Finding something to celebrate, appreciate and be thankful for every...single... day !

Friday, November 7, 2014

Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Parmesan Crusted Chicken Recipe

We saw this recipe idea in a Mayonnaise commercial, so you know its not the healthiest of recipes, but we tried it once and it soon became the favorite chicken dinner of everyone in all the land (or at least in our house).

Pictured here, we served it with peas and red potatoes, but this chicken goes great with all veggies.

Here is the recipe along with our extra tips!

1. Cut chicken breasts to thin cutlets. We like to plan it out so we can buy a big package of whole chicken breasts at only $1.99 a pound or less -- then as soon as we get home we fillet the chicken into tons of nice THIN cutlets that we slip straight into ziplock bags and pop them into the freezer.

When we need the chicken we just pull out the already pre-prepared chicken to use in all sorts of different chicken dishes. The chicken is safely frozen so it won't go bad, all the prep work is done, and we are set for about a month worth of chicken at a time.

2. Preheat oven to 425 F degrees

3. Lightly oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) a baking sheet. We like to use Release foil that REALLY cuts down clean up time.

4. Mix a half a cup of mayo mixed with a quarter cup Parmesan cheese

5. Spread mixture on the chicken fillets

6. Sprinkle lightly with Italian Seasoned bread crumbs

7. Pop in oven for 20 minutes 

8. Hold onto your socks because it's so moist, delicious and flavorful that it'll knock yer socks off. Seriously, everyone we served this to LOVED it and we've served some very picky eaters!

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